We are excited to announce that the first South Carolina location of Big Bad Breakfast will open late 2018 in the heart of downtown Charleston.
Founder, John Currence says, “Charleston is one of my favorite places in the country. It is beautiful, vibrant, culturally and historically significant, fun and full of friends always hungry for something new.” Reggie Gibson Architects will help design and decorate the space, coming to upper Meeting Street.
The opening will create several management-level postions as well as 40-50 hourly jobs. This will be the first location of the 5 currently operating that will look to evening hours for extended operation. “Charleston is full of service workers. We hope we can open the door to those folks and provide a home for them to gather and eat after hours,” says Currence. Like locations before it, the Charleston store will have the root of its menu in the core of what Big Bad Breakfast does everywhere, but it will be tailored slightly to reflect the uniquenesses of Charleston and will take advantage of whatever local produce, protein and artisan products we can source.